terça-feira, 12 de outubro de 2010

This I believe

Nao sei se todos sabem, mas consegui trocar meu curso e, apesar da professora parecer um pouco desorganizada, as aulas sao boas e me fazem, alem de falar bastante, escrever bastante...
Pra variar um pouco, sou uma das alunas q mais fala na sala, mas se orgulhem, nao eh conversa paralela nao, eh com a professora e com todos os alunos... =D
O curso eh voltado para redacao, o que eh muito bom para desenvolver meu pensamento em ingles e colocar no papel e alem disso, me ajuda com a minha profissao neh?
Ontem, a professora nos falou sobre Edward Murrow, uma figura importante para o jornalismo americano. Nascido em 1908, na Carolina do Norte, Edward ficou marcado pela sua honestidade e integridade ao contar os fatos e passar as noticias.
O pais passou por um serio periodo de luta contra o socialismo e todos que se envolviam ou se interessavam sobre o assunto, eram mortos, mas Murrow nao se intimidou e continuou a expressar sua opiniao sobre o assunto.
Em 1951, criou um programa de radio chamado "This I Believe", que dava a oportunidade de pessoas comuns falarem sobre suas maiores crencas e valores. O programa passou do radio para a Tv e hoje esta na internet. O site abriga milhoes de textos de pessoas das mais variadas nacionalidades e idades, falando sempre sobre o que elas realmente acreditam.
E esse foi o tema do texto q tivemos que fazer ontem em sala e compartilhar com o resto da sala... aqui vai o meu... esta em ingles, acho q se eu traduzir, vou tirar a essencia do sentimento original... entao... espero que possam entender...


"If there is something that I really believe in, it's my parents' words, advices and tips. If they are right or wrong I don't know, but I know how much they care about me and how they want my best.
I know it's hard to believe that I listen to them and follow everything they say to me, but I really do, or at least, I really try to.
They know myself better than anybody. They saw me grow, they are part of me, so they are able to say which way I should follow and when I have to stop.
My connection with them is really important and strong. Sometimes, when I am away from home and something bad happens, they always can feel.
Once I was robbed in front of the University at 11 p.m. This time, they are usually sleeping. So, when everything happened, I went to the police station with my friends and didn't call them in order to don't make them feel worried.
When everything was done, I went home. I arrived and was thinkinf of waking them up and tell what had happened. But It wasn'tnecessary, they were awake. They had been trying to reach me but they couldn't. I explained what happened and they told me that they didn't know what was going on with me but they felt something was wrong and couldn't sleep at all.
So, everytime that I have to make a decision, it doesn't matter if it's important or no, I talk to them and ask their opinion. It has helped me a lot of times before and it's still working".

Um comentário:

  1. Que lindo Mááá!!!!!!!! Saudades de vc, atualiza mais, pleasee, quero notícias, rsrs
    Espero que esteja tudo bem aí!
